Volunteering in the Concession Stand

Guidelines for Concession Volunteers


Concession income is essential in helping offset the operating costs of East Chatham Little League. Our parent/teen volunteers are needed to operate the concession stands during the season to keep this vital revenue stream going.  

Each coach is responsible to supply a concession worker for their games. This can be a parent/guardian or 1 (ONE, not a group of) responsible teen (age 12 and up). No other children are permitted in the concession stand without direct adult supervision. If the person selected to work cannot adhere to the policies, we will ask you to kindly not have them work. The Board recommends assigning your workers based on alphabetical order and if they have conflicts, they can work it out amongst each other. Some teams in the past paid an older sibling to work for the team each game. Whatever you work out with your parents is up to you.

In the event your team doesn’t have a concession worker for your game, we will come to you prior to your game and ask you to select someone.  A Board member will open and close the concession stands each game night. We ask that you arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of your game so those working the first game of the day/evening can help the ECLL board member open the concession stand, and those working the second game can relieve the first game's parents in addition to helping the board member close.

There is a checklist in each concession stand for volunteers to follow to make them comfortable working. We will have instructions on the popcorn machines, cook times listed on each microwave for different items, and price list sheets readily available in every concession stand as well. 

Duties involve:

-Restocking the refrigerator if things get low. (Place warmer drinks in the back.) We appreciate this being checked following each game.
-If someone comes asking for soap, toilet paper, or paper towels for the bathrooms, those are located inside of the concession stand along with the keys to replace.
-Put all candy in the refrigerator after games
-Restock any low food items
-Clean up counters, sweep floors, bag trash.  Be considerate of other workers and board members closing the concession stands after games and make every effort to leave it in good condition.
-If there is ever a question in the concession stand, a Board member should be available to answer.

**First-aid kits and ice packs are located in the field equipment room at each field. Emergency and board member numbers are located in the cash box if something comes up for which you need to contact someone immediately.

*Please let a board member know if there is anything that needs to be purchased (low or out of stock) or send an email to [email protected].

We have tried to make working concessions easy and simple for everyone. We appreciate your efforts volunteering and making this a successful piece of our league. 

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