Code of Ethics for Coaches


East Chatham Little League
Coach's Code of Ethics

The responsibilities of each coach participating in East Chatham Little League are of great importance and his/her actions have the potential to significantly influence the young athletes whom he/she coaches. Each coach agrees that he/she will:

Place the emotional and physical well being of his/her players ahead of any personal desire to win.

Treat each player as an individual, remembering that large spread of emotional and physical development for the same age group.

Do his/her very best to provide a safe play situation for his/her players.

Lead by example in demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship to all of his/her players.

Ensure that he/she is knowledgeable in the rules of baseball and teach these rules to his/her players.

Use appropriate coaching techniques for each of the skills that he/she teaches.

Remember that he/she is a youth coach and that the game is for the children and not for the adults.

Treat each player, opposing coach, official, parent and administrator with respect and dignity.

Uphold the authority of officials who are assigned to the games in which he/she coaches, and assist them in every way to conduct fair and impartial competitive games.

Conduct his/her practices and games so that all players have an opportunity to improve their skill levels through active participation.

Communicate with his/her players and their parent(s) on a sound level.

Cooperate with the administration of East Chatham Little League and in the enforcement of all rules, regulations and procedures, and report any irregularities that violate sound competitive practices.

Be responsible for the acts and conduct of his/her assistant coaches, helpers and players.

Read the Handbook and abide by, implement and enforce all East Chatham Little League rules, regulations and procedures.



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